12 weeks to your first 10K

(WomensFitnessFocus.com) No matter what your fitness level, this program gives you everything you need to get moving, do a 10-kilometer run – or just feel great.

Even if just the thought of running a road race makes you expire, you’ll be ready to go by the end of this program. Honest. Its 12 weeks that will change the way you think of yourself. The bonus? You’ll burn significant calories, see an incredible boost in your energy, reduce the risk of disease and best, of all, feel great about yourself.

Stretch Moves

Glute Stretch

Lie on back and bend left leg, pulling left knee in towards left shoulder, keeping right leg straight. Place left hand on left knee and right hand on top of left ankle, gently guiding leg further towards shoulder for 2 seconds. Release and repeat for all reps, then switch legs.

Outer Hip Stretch

Lie on back and place left foot in center of a rope or rolled towel, straightening leg so ends of rope or towel are taut, with right leg straight on ground. Lift leg slightly off ground with knee locked, rotate leg out slightly from hip and use inner thigh to pull left leg across right leg. Use rope to assist and hold for 2 seconds. Release and repeat for all reps, then switch legs.

Inner Thigh Stretch

Lie on back and place left foot in center of a rope or rolled towel, straightening leg so ends of rope or towel are taut, with right leg straight on ground. Rotate left leg inward slightly from hip and use outer hip muscles to pull leg out, leading with heel. Use rope to assist and hold for 2 seconds. Release and repeat for half of reps, with heel leading, then rotate leg for half of reps with toes leading. Repeat with opposite leg.

Quadriceps Stretch

Lie on right side with both knees curled into chest. Place right hand on inner thigh, behind right knee, and left hand around shin or ankle of left leg. Contract abdominals. Keeping left knee bent, use glutes and hamstrings to push left heel behind you, left leg parallel to ground, then assist with left hand for 2 seconds. Release and repeat for all reps, then turn onto left side and repeat.

Lower Back Stretch

Sit on a mat with back straight, knees bent and feet on ground. Tuck chin down and contract abs to roll down and forward (legs may splay out slightly). Grasp sides of shins to assist for 2 seconds. Release and repeat.

Strength Moves

Single Plie Leg Press Machine

Sit with pelvis against pad, abs tight, right foot on plate, rotated out from hips, with left foot on floor. Press foot plate forward and release handles. Lower foot plate, keeping knee lined up with toes. Use inner thigh to press plate back up and complete set, then switch sides.

4-Way Hip Abduction

Adjust platform and roller and stand facing machine with roller on outside of right thigh, just above knee. Use outer hip muscles to slowly raise right leg out to side. Slowly lower. Complete the set, then switch sides.

Straight Leg Walking Lunge

Holding dumbbells at sides, stand with feet hip width apart, abs tight. Stride forward with left leg bending left knee so it’s aligned over left toes, back leg straight. Push off back leg and take another stride forward with right leg. Continue for 20 strides. Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

Standing Cable Hip Extension

Stand facing low cable stack with ankle collar around right ankle, abs tight, chest lifted. Keeping leg straight, use buttock muscles to raise right leg back and up, going only as far as you can without involving torso. Slowly return to starting position and complete sets, then switch sides.

T-Bar Cable Row

Facing pulley with long bar attached, bend knees and keep torso straight as you bend down to grasp bar with an underhand grip. Use back muscles and rear shoulders to bring elbows back and in towards sides. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Rear Delt Fly

Sit at a rear delt machine, grasp handles at shoulder height and, with abs tight and chest lifted, use rear shoulder muscles to pull elbows out and back until aligned with shoulders. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Resisted Reverse Crunch

Hold a 5-pound medicine ball between ankles and lie on back, knees bent at 90 degrees, hands overhead grasping a piece of equipment for stability. Keeping knees bent at 90 degrees, contract abs and pull hips up, curling pelvis in. Hold, return to starting position and repeat. Strengthens abdominals.

By Sandra Prior, Expert Articles.

Cacao Nibs ( 728 x90)


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