It’s not that heart disease and obesity runs in your family, it’s that nobody in your family RUNS

If your doctor tells you that some major health problems like obesity or heart disease “run in your family,” shouldn’t you first check to see if your family members have all been eating the same blood-clogging fats and health-wrecking chemicals that cause those diseases or disorders, and if any of them ever exercised? Today’s medical doctors just love to tell all their patients that every health problem “runs in the family.” In fact, that’s the first set of questions on the medical forms you fill out. You have to check off dozens of boxes saying if anyone in your family has a history of any of a whole gamut of ills.

Why? Because that way the doctors can convince you that there’s no cure for your heart disease, high cholesterol, or obesity, and that there’s no problem if you eat processed food all day and never workout, walk, or jog, because he or she has some magic pills to manage your symptoms. The only way to help you, according to most M.D.s, is to prescribe you chemical medications to “manage the symptoms” of your hereditary nightmares. You see, it’s all your parent’s and grandparent’s fault. Yep, they gave you those bad genes and there’s nothing you can do about it, right? Think again.

Obesity and heart disease are both genetic, but NOT hereditary, get it?

Have you been conned by Big Food to “SuperSize” everything you eat? Have you noticed when you go out to eat at a restaurant, the average plate of food off the menu is enough to feed a whole family? If you’re overweight and suffering from heart disease, the odds are you weren’t born that way. It’s time to check your lifestyle habits, and scrub them against those of your parents and their parents, and maybe even their parents too.

Obesity and heart disease are caused mainly from consuming animal fat, canola oil, and processed foods. Obesity and heart disease are also fueled and perpetuated by lack of exercise. Does sitting on the couch all day, eating fast food, fried food, and baked goods run in your family? Clogged arteries are not inherited. Sorry to break it to you.

Sure, there are some folks out there who have chemical imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that contribute to their health ills, but the core of most health issues aren’t passed on from your parents and their parents – that’s just a crock of saturated fat spread like propaganda to keep you from seeking out natural remedies and an effective fitness regimen you can handle.

Although a genetic component to coronary disease is scientifically recognized, it is NOT an inherited condition

Certain diseases, like cystic fibrosis, are scientifically proven to be a direct result of genetic abnormalities, because some people inherit defective copies of a single gene from their mother and father that show characteristics of the condition. However, with regards to coronary disease, genetic influences have hundreds (if not thousands) of genetic variants, many of which are not inherited, but rather altered, mutated, or modified after birth. Thus, we can’t equate the word genetic with inherited, because not everything that’s genetic is hereditary. Get it?

One recent study shows that physical exercise, a healthy diet, and not smoking can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 50 percent, even if you have some slight gene variants that make you more susceptible to it. This means we as humans can modify dramatically the risks so many scientists say we are “born with.”

The American culture breeds obesity, not some ubiquitous genetic trait

Science and nutrition experts now believe it’s our culture, not some “obesity gene,” that makes people so overweight. Ever wonder why restaurants with buffets always advertise them as “all you can eat” instead of “all you care to eat?” Ever wonder why fast food joints let you “Supersize” servings by simply paying a few extra pennies on the dollar?

A report that claimed scientists had “cracked the code” behind the “obesity gene” was all a huge hoax.

First of all, there is no obesity gene, so there’s no “code” to be cracked. There’s really no way around fixing diet and exercise, but scientists at MIT and Harvard University want us to start buying into chemical medicines that Big Pharma pushes for every other disease and disorder out there.

The obesity epidemic in America has nothing at all to do with genetics when speaking of inherited DNA. That’s just a big distraction from addressing the root of the problem, for which allopathic medicine is infamous. It is, however, scientific fact that excitotoxins like monosodium glutamate (MSG) and the artificial sweetener Aspartame are addicting and make people crave more salty foods and more sweets, causing weight gain, inflammation, thyroid irregularities, hormone imbalances, and hypertension, among other health ills.

Many of today’s teenagers are so obese they can’t even serve in the military. That’s a major problem.

Plus, American advertising influences people to eat all the wrong foods. The main foods and beverages perpetually advertised via mass media are soda, pizza, subs, chips, beer, cheeseburgers, sugary cereals, and fried chicken. It’s all “part of a complete and balanced” breakfast, lunch, or whatever they’re paid to say. Even the portions and servings are way too big these days.

So no, genetics didn’t “load your gun.” The American culture loads the proverbial food “gun” but you have to pull the trigger yourself. Plus, medical doctors often give the wrong advice, or no nutritional advice at all, along with pushing chemical pills that make matters worse, including horrific side effects, like depression and thoughts of suicide.

Conclusion: Two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese, and it’s not because they inherited the magically tragic “fat gene.” If you’re overweight, look into a clean food regimen of raw organic produce and spring water, and start walking, jogging or running until your non-inherited “condition” greatly improves.

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