Got pilates? Here are the benefits of this wonderful exercise regimen

( Have you ever taken time to really learn about pilates, and what kind of good you can derive from it? If you do, you’ll be surprised at what you learn.

Well, pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a more toned body, slender thighs and waist, and a flatter stomach. The focus on proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth flowing movement help create better awareness of your body.

Pilates is a gentle, low impact exercise routine that strengthens the back and spine, and yet allows a challenging workout. It is popular with pre- and post-natal women. Pilates is so safe, directed and controlled that it is often recommended by chiropractors for the rehabilitation of body joint injuries and by orthopaedists for the treatment of muscle imbalances surrounding the spine.

Dancers appreciate it for the flexibility and agility it develops. Athletes use it to build strength and endurance. Celebrities and models find that it helps them to maintain their beautiful physique. More than these, Pilates is a refreshing mind-body exercise that relieves stress and anxiety.

Working out in the Pilates method over a period of time will increase your lean muscle mass which helps your body burn more calories, even while you are at rest. As your body is strengthened and lengthened through Pilates, you will find your muscles appear more defined and sculpted in your arms and in your legs.

Through constant emphasis on the engagement of your powerhouse, you will find yourself achieving a smaller waistline, flatter abs and a strong core which helps to protect your back and your spine. Your overall muscle tone will increase, you will feel firmer and fitter, and you will stand taller and with more confidence and poise.

If you are overweight, you will need to combine Pilates with a healthy, low-calorie diet and some cardiovascular exercise to reduce your body fat. Pilates sessions are not sufficiently cardiovascular to achieve significant weight loss except at its more advanced levels.

Alternate your Pilates sessions with a cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking, swimming or dance. Learn to make intelligent food choices. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, eat more lean meat, fish and tofu for your dose of protein, and reduce your portions of carbohydrates.

By Claudel Kuek, Expert Articles.

HRS - Natural Shampoo

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